Posted March 18, 2019 5:28 pm by Comments

By John Farnam

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Democrats Hate You More Than Your Guns, No Doubt: AmmoLand Come and Take It Tee

Ft Collins, CO –-( Law-abiding American gun-owners, so viciously hated and feared by Democrats (and all other totalitarians) are slated to be the sole target of Democrats’ anti-gun/anti-freedom agenda as we approach 2020 elections.

Here are the steps (entirely predictable, since they were/are used by Stalin, Pol Pot, Maduro, and all other Communists)

1. Identification

“It’s just ‘common sense,” they insist

“We demand to know whom your are, what guns you own, where you live, with whom you associate, what organizations of which you are a member. We also insist on examining your social-media and medical histories, and we demand a list of all prescription drugs you take.

We demand the authority to come to you home any time, unannounced, and examine you weapon(s), so we’re sure they are completely inaccessible and thus perfectly useless for any personal security mission.”

Democarts War on Guns and America
Democarts War on Guns and America

They’re already doing this in Canada. Burglary suspects there are routinely granted immunity from prosecution, in exchange for their testimony that the homeowner’s …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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