Posted March 15, 2019 11:49 am by Comments

By Ammoland

Bloomberg Tower


Bloomberg Tower : 731 Lexington Avenue New York City, NY, United States Image: Markus Poessel (Mapos) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

USA – -( What if I told you that an estimated 200 people in the building above and working for Bloomberg have only one specific task. That is to destroy the NRA in any way possible.

What if I told you with-in 5 hours Bloomberg can have a team on the ground of any school shooting to organize protests and coordinate with CNN, the press arm of the gun confiscation movement. Meaning they have teams with protest-go-bags standing by. They LOOK FORWARD to school shootings and see them as an opportunity, not a tragedy.

What if I told you that much of what you see in anti-NRA e-mails on Facebook comes from fake personas from people working on this building. That when your goal is to destroy the NRA, you use any tools you can. (An Estimated 50 percent of Facebook accounts are fake.)

The anti-freedom crowd hates the NRA because it is effective. Almost 60 million-gun owners identify as NRA members. Most all of the 120 million-gun owners in America trust the NRA. For Bloomberg to win, …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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