Posted July 28, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By David Codrea


“Chris Christie tore into a gun rights activist who questioned his Second Amendment record in an Iowa town hall event Saturday night, displaying the fiery and confrontational style the New Jersey governor is known for,” CNN approvingly proclaimed in its “report” on the exchange. Other media, including The Huffington Post and The Des Moines Register were quick to portray it as “Christie fires back” and “Christie counters” respectively.

Pointing out bills he did not support does not tell us what he does favor. Likewise, dismissing a 1995 campaign ad by asking if his questioner had not changed his mind in 20 years does not answer what Christie changed his mind to. What he avoided with all the skill of a seasoned political animal, was explaining – unequivocally — where he stood on the right to keep and bear arms and how he has shown leadership promoting the Bill of Rights.

Years back, sick and tired of “I support the Second Amendment” platitudes from politicians that did nothing to explain how, I developed a candidate questionnaire to help voters by seeing if candidates seeking their support deserved it. They’d either respond or they wouldn’t, …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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