Posted August 3, 2018 10:05 am by Comments

By John Farnam

2018 Chicago Shot Clock as of July 27th


Chicago Shot Clock as of July 27th. 2018

Ft Collins, CO –-( In metro areas run by liberal Democrats, the comedy never ends:

Some cities are divided into “precincts.” Others use the term, “division.”

In Chicago, it is “district,” and the city’s notorious 19th Police District, it has been recently revealed (despite the best efforts by liberals to cover it up), has a “staffing problem.”

It seems police officers don’t want to be assigned there.

Officers, weary of being continuous targets of agenda-driven, liberal scapegoat campaigns, have be transferring and resigning, in droves.

The upshot is skimpy coverage in the 19th. Often, no coverage!

Many times per week, calls for police services in the 19th District, some desperate emergencies, receive no response because there is no one on-duty available to send.

The laughable euphemism is “RAP” That stands for “Radio Assignments Pending.” Most sarcastically call it a “queue.”

You might get a beat-car at the scene in an hour or so, but it may not be until the next day! In some cases, no police ever arrive.

“Shots-fired” calls, when there are no reported injuries, often receive no police response at all.

This phenomenon is not lost on violent street criminals.

They know and understand …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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