Posted January 12, 2016 9:19 am by Comments

By Brent Wheat


Burglary Scene. Photo by Author

Burglary is one of the most common property crimes and something that affects a large number of Americans every year. It is also a major motivation for many people who buy firearms for self-defense. However, before you prepare to repel borders, you should have a basic understanding of the problem as it exists in the real world.

It doesn’t happen as portrayed in the media. On television, burglaries happen at midnight when a black-clad felon sneaks into your home, ties everyone up and then steals the family silver. The burglar will make a series of comical or heinous wisecracks before disappearing like a wisp of smoke.

While nighttime burglaries of occupied homes do occur with some frequency, the stereotypical burglary goes more like this: a loser stands at your front door around mid-morning to ring the doorbell and knock for a few minutes. If someone answers, he will ask for directions to a nearby address and then leave.

If you aren’t home, the bad guy is joined by his partner who was waiting in the car and they go around the back of the house. After knocking one last time, they kick in the back door or occasionally pry …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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