Posted September 21, 2016 1:22 pm by Comments

By James England

JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI — A burglar discovered just a few seconds too late that continuing his attempted burglary would be a bad idea when faced with an occupant armed with a shotgun.

According to the Clarion-Ledger, police have chosen not to charge the homeowner with any wrongdoing after he fired point blank into a burglar who refused to stop after he was confronted.

“I think it was a terrible decision made by the part of the deceased that cost him his life,” Jackson Police Chief Lee Vance said Wednesday.

The occupant did not appear interested in taking another man’s life but the Castle Doctrine laws in Mississippi are pretty clear. A person with every right to be somewhere (his home) has no duty to retreat from a threat.

The reality of his decision, though, apparently weighed heavily upon him.

“This individual was very distraught, very upset about the action that was taken,” Vance said at the time. “But it appears that the homeowner, the occupant, had no other choice than to take the action that he did.”

As much as we talk up or even lightly joke about criminals doing dumb things and paying the price for them, we have to acknowledge the real human …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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