Posted March 2, 2017 1:08 pm by Comments

By James England

OMAHA, NEBRASKA — As customers lined up to get a trim at a local barbershop, two brothers likely never thought that they would need to use their concealed handguns to protect themselves.

According to KETV News, Lucas M. Ortiz, 23, entered the premises with an empty backpack and a shotgun. He allegedly dropped a backpack on the ground and pointed the shotgun at one of the brothers. Ortiz instructed them to throw all their money into the bag.

“When he cocked the thing in my face to me and my customer, that’s when I know he wasn’t playing, I kind of looked at my brother and I threw my wallet on the floor, and then my brother knew what to do next,” the barber said.

The barber and his brother drew down on the armed robber and that’s when rounds started flying.

“So I told him put the gun down, gun down, and I was pointing my gun at him, and he just shot at me,” his brother said.

A shotgun blast ripped by the first barber’s right arm, missing him by about an arm’s length. His brother managed to strike the intruder several times before the suspect retreated to the street and …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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