Posted January 10, 2016 2:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Tricia Bishop (courtesy

Let’s skip to the last paragraph of Do you know the gun owners in your circle? [via] and work our way back to the beginning. “Gun owners may feel picked on, but they are not a persecuted class. They are individuals who have chosen to keep in their homes an object whose chief purpose is to injure or kill, whether in self defense or otherwise. The rest of us should have a right to know it’s there before we — or our children — enter.” I don’t think that word “right” means what “contact reporter” Tricia Bishop thinks it means . . .

Ms. Bishop fails to understand that her rights end where others’ rights begin. Worse, she combines her inherently tyrannical view with white guilt and paranoia. Like this:

I’m less afraid of the criminals wielding guns in Baltimore . . . than I am by those permitted gun owners. I know how to stay out of the line of Baltimore’s illegal gunfire; I have the luxury of being white and middle class in a largely segregated city that reserves most of its shootings for poor, black neighborhoods overtaken by “the game.” The closest I typically get …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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