Posted February 27, 2019 2:15 pm by Comments

By Kristin Alberts

Few things awaken such a sense of nostalgia and fond family memories as a late-season, wintry squirrel hunt. While we often lean on throwback firearms for such adventures, it can be difficult to choose both caliber and platform these days. Here are three of our favorites, not just this season, but for the long haul.
Remington 592 5mm Rem Rimfire Magnum
While the 5mm Rem Rimfire Mag ammo has been out of production for a number of years now, with guns like mine relegated to safe-duty, Aguila’s re-introduction breathes new life into the peppy caliber. (Photo: Kristin Alberts/
The Remington Model 592 is a blast from the past with a passionate, albeit, lesser-appreciated, following.  Why is what many consider an obsolete caliber and long-out-of-production rifle on a “best of” list? Because it is truly one of my favorite small game rifles, and much to my great delight, also because Aguila is producing the ammunition again. In the early 1970’s, Remington produced both the magazine fed Model 591 and the tube-fed Model 592 we have here, chambered in the then-new 5mm Remington Rimfire Magnum.
Created to compete with the .22 Magnum round, by all accounts, the 5mm should have been the one to survive and


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