Posted October 14, 2015 9:00 pm by Comments

By Dan Zimmerman


By Bud Harton

I’m pretty much just like everyone else who supports the Second Amendment when it comes to listening to the anti-gunners. While most of the bilge they pump runs right off my back, every once in a while they get under my skin. I mostly tune them out because so much of what they spew is laughable. But on a long solo drive home recently, I started wondering, “What if?” . . .

Playing “what if” games can be beneficial. As a cop it was “What if someone is hiding in the trunk of the car I just stopped for speeding? Or as a soldier, “What if one of those safety wires restraining the drain plug on the tail rotor gearbox oil reservoir breaks?” Or working around the house, “Do I really need to ground this electrical circuit?”

In this case it was, “What if the anti-gunners were able to pass highly restrictive or even confiscatory gun laws? Have they really considered what that would look like?”

The thought occurred as I was on the hunt for one of the bucket list guns. This particular pistol had eluded me for years and I was finally on my way to make one …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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