Posted November 23, 2015 1:00 pm by Comments

By Caleb

armslist fail ruger SP101-1

So PDB sent me this early in the morning, and it almost made me hit the tequila at 0800. I love Armlist fails, but this one? This may be the new world record. Let’s begin with the first photo, shall we?

I’m honestly sure whether this is a photo of a gun for sale, or a modern art piece. In fact, I don’t even know where to start with this one. I mean sure, there’s a partially consumed box of ammo, a set of car keys, and it’s nice to see that someone is taking my advice about carrying a hammer for self-defense seriously, I really have two questions about this photo. First, why does the guy appear to only have 4 toes, and second what in the actual f*** is going on with the grip of that poor SP101?

Luckily, the ad’s description likely has the answer to both of those questions.

Almost like new 420″ SP101 in great condition.

Im sort of a big guy so I increased the grip length to fit in better with my sword collection. Honestly I dont even like guns im more of a sword guy so id really just like to …Read the Rest

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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