Posted May 26, 2019 8:36 pm by Comments

By John Falkenberg

In a video that is rapidly making rounds on the internet, a young man who reportedly believed he was robbing a bank, but actually just drew a handgun in a police station.

In the video provided by kollegekid, absolute hilarity ensues.

Now, I have no idea if this ridiculous dude really thought he was walking up on a bank or not, but he clearly either mistook the police station for another institution or he really, really wanted to get off the street and into some food and shelter.

If that was the case, there are probably better ways to swing it.

There’s so much to love about this video.

First, you got this woman in the beginning of the video who clearly knows something’s up, but kinda wants to see what’s about to go down.

You got the thug who walks in and pulls a gun despite it obviously being a real dumb place to do so.

You’ve got the handcuffed guy who just does not want any part of whatever crazy mess is about to go down. You’ve got a horde of people to stop the criminal. You’ve got all the ingredients …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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