Posted November 30, 2017 4:30 pm by Comments

By Ammoland Editor Joe Evans

Arkansas Waterfowl
Arkansas Waterfowl

USA -( During the last four weeks, waterfowl have been reported dead at seven localized areas in northeast and east central Arkansas. Four of these incidents included white-fronted geese (specklebellies) and a small number of dabbling ducks.

Three other incidents have included mostly snow geese. Tests are still pending for some birds found dead, but test results from the first case indicated those birds died from avian cholera.

Dr. Jennifer Ballard, state wildlife veterinarian for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, says the birds all showed signs of the disease, but confirmatory testing was needed to be certain of the cause.”

“Avian cholera is very common in waterfowl,” Ballard said. “Snow and Ross’s geese have been reported to act as silent carriers of the bacteria that causes it.”

According to Ballard, carriers can shed the bacteria into the environment, where it can wait in the water for weeks. In many cases, birds can die in a matter of hours after being exposed to the bacteria.

“Avian cholera isn’t new to Arkansas,” Ballard said. “The most recent large-scale event on record was in 2008, when close to 1,000 snow geese were found dead.”

The disease is not expected to have any population-level effects, but …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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