Posted June 25, 2015 12:10 am by Comments

By Patriot Outdoor News


There are too many Americans who can’t think straight anymore (if they ever could). They say stupid things that they believe are good arguments. Most likely they pass on somebody else’s stupid “argument” believing that it answers an intended objective.

I saw the following meme on Facebook:

Strange, but people without guns rarely shoot anyone.

The fact is, rarely do people who own a gun shoot anyone. Most gun owners — probably around 99.99 percent — never shoot anyone.

In addition, we know that people without a gun to defend themselves are left defenseless when some evil person decides to go on a shooting rampage. Anti-gun advocates would most likely argue that if all guns were outlawed, these types of acts would never happen.

Tell that to the Mexican drug cartels where (1) guns are illegal and (2) so are drugs.

Let’s assume that nobody ever had access to another gun. What then?

Timothy McVeigh didn’t use a gun to kill 167 people.

Not a single bullet was fired in the Tate-LaBianca murders planned by race-baiting Charles Manson.

The Boston bombers didn’t use guns. Strange, that people without pressure cookers rarely blowup anyone.

No gun was fired on 9-11 but more than 3000 people were murdered.

Richard …read more

Source:: Patriot Outdoor News

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