Posted August 10, 2019 1:22 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

Quick trips to the store are usually just that – quick trips. You’re in, you’re out, and get home without any trouble. It’s a thing among armed citizens, sometimes, to decide whether or not they’re going to bring their firearm on such a quick little trip.

Last week, we learned of a man who was live-streaming inside the Walmart during the shooting. In the video, he informed the viewers that he wished he had his gun on him. Later that evening, he says that it was a big regret of his, being unarmed when he would normally carry.

Considering that this incident took place in Texas, I figured that at least someone would have been armed at the location. Whether or not they take action is another topic, but I was surprised to hear of a second person who usually carries a firearm but did not on that trip to Walmart.

During Cuomo Prime Time, Cuomo was interviewing one of the survivors at the hospital. What Cuomo probably wasn’t counting on was what the man had to say.

After he heard the gunshots, he ran towards his mother to try and shield her. He then has a thought to ask his mother, …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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