Posted March 18, 2019 3:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

AP Photo/Mark Baker

Right now, a lot of American lawmakers are watching what happened in New Zealand last week and are licking their chops. They’re convinced this is the time, that this is precisely the moment when they should step up their efforts to enact stricter gun control regulations.

To those lawmakers, I present this open letter.

Dear Anti-Gun Legislators,

I’m willing to concede that perhaps you’re motivated by altruistic desires and not a blind lust for control like many of my friends on this side of the aisle argue. I say this not because I support what you’re doing, but because I’ve seen too many people legitimately driven by what they see as noble intentions.

That said, I have to ask what the hell are you thinking right now? Why on Earth would you use New Zealand to push for gun control in this country?

I ask because a simple look at the alleged killer’s manifesto makes his goal clear. For him, the act wasn’t about the act itself. He was trying to create a lynchpin event, a single moment that would create far-reaching effects.

His goal? He wanted you all to push for more gun control. He wanted you to win.

His reason was simple. He …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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