Posted May 11, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By Nick Leghorn


A couple days ago we put up a post asking for volunteers for a segment to air on NBC about “Gun Culture 2.0.” The idea was that we’d all meet up at the range, NBC’s Ronan Farrow would ask us some questions about young people and guns, then we’d all shoot some stuff. A number of our readers showed some understandable trepidation about volunteering for an NBC piece, especially given the mainstream media’s history of making gun owners look like crazed, bloodthirsty lunatics. But we were willing to take the chance, and I think things turned out better than we could have hoped . . .

The biggest unknown factor was who would show up. If your experience is anything like ours, you know that the vast majority of gun owners — young and old alike — are really cool, intelligent people. But just like any group, there are a few bad apples that can ruin it for the whole bunch. I asked Tyler Kee to come with me as backup, just to make sure that we stack the deck a little, but it wasn’t really needed. I don’t think we could have asked for a more intelligent, well-spoken group …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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