Posted March 5, 2018 3:44 pm by Comments

By Tom Beckstrand

Alpha Munitions 6mm Creedmoor

Alpha Munitions 6mm Creedmoor

Few things in the firearms world develop a significant emotional attachment like that found between a rifleman who reloads and his brass. Just like the Sunday school lesson where the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to go in search of the lost one, so will many riflemen search high and low for those last few pieces of fired brass.

The attachment occurs because brass represents an investment of time and money. Cheap brass takes a lot of effort to achieve mediocre results, and then it doesn’t last more than a few firings. The best brass I’ve found across all performance metrics comes from Alpha Munitions.

Knowing how special brass is to the long-range game, Alpha Munitions requires 30 quality checks along the entire length of production. The smallest flaw will result in the case being rejected.

Knowing how special brass is to the long-range game, Alpha Munitions requires 30 quality checks along the entire length of production. The smallest flaw will result in the case being rejected.

Alpha Munitions is unique from other brass manufacturers because the company stepped away from traditional manufacturing techniques devoted to turning out large quantities of brass, and turned to developing around …Read the Rest

Source:: Guns and Ammo

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