Posted September 20, 2016 10:26 am by Comments

By Bob Owens


I woke up this morning to an email from a high school sophomore from the San Francisco Bay area, inquiring about my thoughts on the Black Lives Matter movement.

He believes that Black Lives Matter, “encourages equality and spreads awareness about the racism that is still occurring worldwide,” and wanted to know what I thought about both BLM and how it relates to the right to bear arms.

Here is my full response.

Mr. N___,

Black Lives Matter is an attempt by left wing radicals to delegitimize local law enforcement in hopes of building a public cry for federalized police more easily controlled by a centralized government.

Put frankly, you’ve been conned by people advocating “social justice,” which is nothing more than poorly blended racism and university Marxism.

It should send up a red flag, sir, when activists make a charge and craft a narrative that falls apart when compared against hard evidence. The activists then rush to the next outrage, misstate the facts, and the cycle repeats.

What do you find when you look at fully-developed investigations, Mr. N___?

You find that when actual subject matter experts on the use of force look at all the evidence, that these incidents are moral, just, and fair more than …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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