Posted March 30, 2016 12:50 am by Comments

By James England


As a website dedicated to carrying concealed, we’re given a lot of opportunities to see different types of holsters and carry configurations. That’s great — we don’t all go for the exact same thing.

There’s only so much you can learn about a holster from first glance. Every concealed carrier should use a holster that has the following six basic components:

  • Trigger guard protection

This is a big one. A lot of people think it’s safe to throw a loaded handgun in a purse or a pocket. We’re not the concealed carry police. We’re not going to walk around telling you what to do. That said, it would be really awesome if you remove the possibility of the trigger being activated accidentally by either fishing around in a purse or pocket. Negligent discharges can and do happen because of this and safety is always a number one priority.

  • Safe to carry with round in the chamber (Condition 1/0)

If your holster comes with a recommendation to “carry in Condition 3” (magazine inserted, no round in the chamber) then you may want to consider a different style. Carrying Condition 1 (magazine inserted, round in the chamber) is perfectly …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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