Posted September 5, 2017 9:05 am by Comments

By David LaPell

So easy, even a baby…
While hard, long and flat rounds like the .30-06 and .308 still appear to dominate the North American hunting rifle scene, I must admit these cartridges are really not the best choices for someone who’s never stalked whitetails before — or, heaven forbid, never shot a gun. So what’s a fledgling deer hunter to look for in a starter rifle? A caliber that’s proven itself capable, a reputation for at least ‘minute of deer’ accuracy (combined with ample time behind the trigger), and manageable recoil that won’t send a rookie running back to the cabin with a sore shoulder.
The author’s grandmother (not a newly indoctrinated hunter) with a prize buck, taken with .30-30 Win.
There are actually quite a few choices out there with such a proven history (.270 Winchester for instance). Here are my top five:
1.  .30-30 Winchester
Many hunters, including myself, started their hunting career with a .30-30. All it takes is a random sample of local hunters anywhere to realize that this over 100-year old round still remains one of the most loved deer calibers in the woods. While not a long range affair (past 200 yards and you start getting into artist territory) it


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