Posted December 8, 2015 6:22 pm by Comments

By Jenn Jacques

It’s a trend bigger than Tickle Me Elmo, parachute pants, or the latest iPhone: all things Second Amendment are seeing a drastic spike in support.

The total number of FBI background checks for the month of November was a staggering 2,243,030 checks, one of the highest months on record, with the FBI reporting an unprecedented 185,345 gun background checks on Black Friday alone. Add in the uneasy feeling of vulnerability felt throughout the country after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino and Obama’s vow to change legislation, gun sales are on track to set record numbers in the U.S. this year.

Increasing right along with gun sales are the law-abiding citizens eager to carry their guns for self defense and protection of those around them. The numbers ranged from “more than doubling” in some areas to an astounding 100% increase in concealed carry applications just days after the terrorist attacks in Paris, France on November 13. After the deadliest terror attack since 9/11 was committed last week in California (the U.S. state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country), permit applications will undoubtedly continue to climb in December.

Naturally, with gun sales on the …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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