Posted February 6, 2017 1:10 pm by Comments

By richardmann

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<div data-cycle-hash="gunsite-shooting-tips-1" data-cycle-desc="Level Your Reticle: It's common to use ballistic reticles for long-range shooting. This is how you make swift corrections for windage and trajectory. However, in order for those reticle corrections to work, your reticle has to be level. When you install your riflescope, take the time to make sure the reticle is absolutely level with the rifle. Otherwise, as you make trajectory corrections, the greater the distance, the farther you'll be from the target. Installing a level on your scope for quick field references isn't a bad idea, either." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="gunsite-shooting-tips-2" data-cycle-desc="Establish Your DOPE: DOPE stands for “data on previous engagement,” and utilizing DOPE is a key to getting hits at long range. You obtain your DOPE by shooting at targets out to as far as you want to shoot, and by making annotations of the trajectory and windage corrections along with the atmospheric conditions. By establishing your initial DOPE, and by continuing to record subsequent shots, you'll eventually have an encyclopedic reference for shooting at any distance and in any condition. In case you're wondering, this is exactly …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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