Posted April 5, 2017 4:12 pm by Comments

By Jared Morgan

Traffic moves along Orange Avenue after authorities opened the streets Wednesday around the Pulse nightclub, scene of the recent mass shooting that killed 49 people. (Photo: Associated Press)
Ten more families have joined a federal lawsuit blaming tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter for the deaths of their loved ones following the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history last year.
They joined the lawsuit filed initially by three other families in December that accuses the social media and technology companies of fostering Islamic radicalization in ISIS-inspired shooter Omar Mateen, which led to his terrorist attack of a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, according to an amended complaint filed Friday.
The 29-year-old shooter had pledged his allegiance to ISIS during 911 calls he placed from within the nightclub.   
It was through YouTube — a video platform owned by Google — and social media platforms Facebook and Twitter that the shooter was able to view terrorist propaganda put out by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and thus draw inspiration for the killing of 49 people and wounding of more than 60 others on on June 12, 2016, the plaintiffs argue.
“This material support has been instrumental to the rise of ISIS and has enabled


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